Delivering Benefits to Customers, Community, and Environment: A Testament to Formbird CLARITY’s Versatility

Discover the transformative journey of Bundaberg Regional Council’s Water Services Team as they transition from a paper-heavy environment to a digital one using Formbird CLARITY. This insightful video showcases the tremendous strides made by the team in data collection, customer service, and environmental stewardship, through the adoption of this innovative, low-code platform. Hear directly from team members Narelle and Sean as they detail the challenges they faced and how Formbird CLARITY helped them overcome these hurdles to deliver significant benefits to their community and their unique environment. It’s a story of innovation, resilience, and the power of efficient software in shaping the future of water asset management.

CWW Driving Performance Through Partnership

City West Water (CWW) is leveraging the key capabilities of the Formbird platform. Not only was the initial implementation of Formbird completed in a record breaking 9 months as discussed here City West Water Implements Enterprise Works Management. CWW have continued delivering results with the Agile capabilities of Formbird.

Adopting a continuous improvement program, increasing the reach and capability of their FOCUS3 Formbird Solution. To date some 9 “upgrades” in 18 months, each agile sprint addresses a range of defined business requirements, with defined benefits and return on investment. Growing with evolving business needs and addressing specific requirements, a partnership that is truly diving performance improvements. Whether it’s call taking, dispatching, field work, customer engagement or improved asset knowledge, working together is delivering and driving performance improvements across the business.

Digital Transformation is not a single state, it is an ongoing process of improvement, CWW are embracing and benefiting at all levels from Digital Transformation through Formbird.

With CWW’s commitment, engagement and capability, these benefits will flow through to customers, staff and contractors with improved service, reduced costs and improvement to long term asset quality.

Formbird values and is privileged to have a strong working partnership with CWW and look forward to reporting on the many exciting technology and business improvements planned and underway.

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Formbird and machine learning help transformation of industry efficiency

Leveraging the rapid application development and IoT (Internet of Things) capabilities of the Formbird platform, partners DC Electrical and Corematic implement an end to end solution that provides very accurate productivity for the Macadamia Nut industry, down to the tree level. The key to managing a the industries future yield.

Leveraging machine learning to teach the software to what a Macadamia nut looks like, the solution counts the nuts at up to 400 nuts per second as they move to the hopper. A PC mounted on the harvester, runs the software to visually count the nuts as they pass through the harvester. The data is then pushed directly into Formbird server running on the PC that is mounted on the tractor. As the harvester comes into communications range the data is then pushed to the hosted Formbird Servers.

DC Electrical identified the opportunity as well as designed and installed the mounting of the PC and Camera. While Corematic had a single software developer on the project, delivering a complex end to end solution within a very short 4 month time frame, from inception to the collection of the first data.

As described in the following video by Scott Alcott of Macadamia Farm Management Bundaberg, an exciting opportunity the Macadamia industry to maximise valuable resources such as water and fertilizer. Both increasing income and reducing costs at the same time.

An exciting development for not only the Macadamia industry, other industries looking to leverage the power of IoT data will also be able to leverage the power of Formbird to enable new business processes and data analysis using IoT and AI. Formbird makes it possible.

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Corematic demonstrates Smart Farm

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Scott Hanson demonstrates what Corematic has been able to achieve after only a couple of months work with Formbird. Corematic is up and running in an incredibly short period developing their Smart Farm application on Formbird.

Teenager demonstrates that Formbird development is child’s play

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Tom, who is interested in technology decided to spend 3 days of work experience learning and developing in Formbird. His father is an architect and Tom decided to build an app for dad. Tom’s app provides dad with a management tool to record details of his / building projects.

Tom also decides that the basic data was not enough and wanted to provide for the inclusion of 3d rendering of dads projects. Using a 3rd party library he found, Tom adds that feature to Formbird by creating his own component, that was done on the last day 😉

Watch the video to see how Tom does it.

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Toms JavaScript for his own 3d Rendering Component
function() { var NotificationService = $injector.get('NotificationService'); if (typeof scope.tplItem.readOnly === 'undefined' || scope.tplItem.readOnly === null) { scope.readOnly = false; } else { scope.readOnly = scope.tplItem.readOnly; } if (!(typeof scope.tplItem.enabled === 'undefined' || scope.tplItem.enabled === null)) { scope.readOnly = !scope.tplItem.enabled; } var libPromise = $ocLazyLoad.load({ name: 'xeogl', files: ['vendor/tom/OBJModel.js', 'vendor/tom/glTFModel.js', 'vendor/tom/STLModel.js'] }); libPromise.then( function() {"****************** load xeogl done ******************* "); var config = scope.tpl.components[scope.key]; var uploaderName = "modelLocation" var uploaderName = "fileDetails"; if(typeof config.fileLocation != "undefined" && config.fileLocation){uploaderName = config.fileLocation;}else{NotificationService.printMessage("Wrong Filetype", "warning");} var canvName = "xeogl-" + scope.fieldName; var objLink = "/api/getFile/" + scope.doc[uploaderName][0].fileNo + "/" + scope.doc[uploaderName][0].fileName; var objType = scope.doc[uploaderName][0].fileType; console.log("Getting file: " + objLink); console.log(objType); var scene = new xeogl.Scene({ canvas: canvName }); if (objType == "OBJ") { var uploadedObj = new xeogl.OBJModel(scene, { id: "uploadedObj", src: objLink }) console.log("File Type OBJ") } else if (objType == "STL") { var uploadedObj = new xeogl.STLModel(scene, { id: "uploadedObj", src: objLink }); console.log("File Type STL") } else if (objType == "GLTF") { var uploadedObj = new xeogl.GLTFModel(scene, { id: "uploadedObj", src: objLink, smoothNormals: false, smoothNormalsAngleThreshold: 90 }); console.log("File Type GLTF") } else { NotificationService.printMessage("Wrong Filetype", "warning"); console.log("wrong file type") } new xeogl.CameraControl(scene); }); }
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