Tom, who is interested in technology decided to spend 3 days of work experience learning and developing in Formbird. His father is an architect and Tom decided to build an app for dad. Tom’s app provides dad with a management tool to record details of his
Tom also decides that the basic data was not enough and wanted to provide for the inclusion of 3d rendering of dads projects. Using a 3rd party library he found, Tom adds that feature to Formbird by creating his own component, that was done on the last day 😉
Watch the video to see how Tom does it.
[download id=”1332″ template=”file”]Toms JavaScript for his own 3d Rendering Componentfunction() { var NotificationService = $injector.get('NotificationService'); if (typeof scope.tplItem.readOnly === 'undefined' || scope.tplItem.readOnly === null) { scope.readOnly = false; } else { scope.readOnly = scope.tplItem.readOnly; } if (!(typeof scope.tplItem.enabled === 'undefined' || scope.tplItem.enabled === null)) { scope.readOnly = !scope.tplItem.enabled; } var libPromise = $ocLazyLoad.load({ name: 'xeogl', files: ['vendor/tom/OBJModel.js', 'vendor/tom/glTFModel.js', 'vendor/tom/STLModel.js'] }); libPromise.then( function() {"****************** load xeogl done ******************* "); var config = scope.tpl.components[scope.key]; var uploaderName = "modelLocation" var uploaderName = "fileDetails"; if(typeof config.fileLocation != "undefined" && config.fileLocation){uploaderName = config.fileLocation;}else{NotificationService.printMessage("Wrong Filetype", "warning");} var canvName = "xeogl-" + scope.fieldName; var objLink = "/api/getFile/" + scope.doc[uploaderName][0].fileNo + "/" + scope.doc[uploaderName][0].fileName; var objType = scope.doc[uploaderName][0].fileType; console.log("Getting file: " + objLink); console.log(objType); var scene = new xeogl.Scene({ canvas: canvName }); if (objType == "OBJ") { var uploadedObj = new xeogl.OBJModel(scene, { id: "uploadedObj", src: objLink }) console.log("File Type OBJ") } else if (objType == "STL") { var uploadedObj = new xeogl.STLModel(scene, { id: "uploadedObj", src: objLink }); console.log("File Type STL") } else if (objType == "GLTF") { var uploadedObj = new xeogl.GLTFModel(scene, { id: "uploadedObj", src: objLink, smoothNormals: false, smoothNormalsAngleThreshold: 90 }); console.log("File Type GLTF") } else { NotificationService.printMessage("Wrong Filetype", "warning"); console.log("wrong file type") } new xeogl.CameraControl(scene); }); }