Formbird FLEET is a modern fleet management information system that keeps your fleet safe, accountable, and on budget.
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In this meet-up, we talk about Long Term Replacement Prediction and 10-year replacement planning. We’ll be showcasing a new development in replacement prediction that was scoped by Bundaberg, along with existing functionality for tracking the replacement process of assets. We have integrated their scope for prediction and tweaked it to fit into our app.
In addition to prediction-based replacement planning, we’ll touch upon consumption-based replacement, another critical aspect of long-term asset management. By analysing the consumption patterns of assets, we can predict when they will likely reach the end of their useful life and schedule their replacement accordingly. This helps to minimise downtime and maximise the return on investment for the assets. So, whether it’s prediction-based or consumption-based replacement planning, our app has you covered. Let’s explore these features in more detail.
0:00 – Paul Introduction, housekeeping and overview
3:19 – Adam replacement development overview
4:01 – How to find replacement reports
4:57 – Getting started with replacement reports
6:05 – Summary table of the replacement report
9:42 – Show the asset’s fuel average usage
10:26 – Looking into more detail about an asset
12:43 – Question – What about replacement income?
22:22 – What is the process, including the existing functionality
22:52 – Create a replacement document
24:35 – Replacement progress
25:54 – Create a replacement document /alternative
27:22 – Risk-based replacement overview
28:58 – Ian Risk-based replacement details
33:09 – Adam email notifications discussion Introduction
35:09 – Alternative suggestion – SMS
36:35 – Bundaberg Regional is not using emails
38:16 – Exception reporting rather than notification-type emails
40:11 – Adam wraps up the email notification discussion with some conclusions
41:53 – Wrap up