Formbird FLEET features an integrated plant replacement management process. To view an overview of all replacement activities, access the Asset Replacement Report. You can find this report in the System Administrator Menu by selecting the Asset Replacement button or locate it within the Reports section.

To access and manage an existing replacement process, click the purple text link in the Asset Replacement Document column within the table.
To initiate and monitor a new asset replacement process:
- Click on “New Asset Replacement.”
- In the New Asset Replacement document, choose the asset to be replaced.
- Upon selection, the remaining fields in the “Asset Data – To Be Replaced” panel will auto-populate based on the chosen asset’s information.
- Manage the asset replacement’s status using the “Replacement Details” panel.
- Click the save tick to save your progress.
- Keep updating the document with the latest status and replacement details as it advances.
- The “Asset Details – Replacement” section enables you to establish a reference link to the new asset.