Daily Driver Checksheets come with a standard configuration. However, these can be easily customised to suit the needs of individual organisations. The checks for the driver are governed primarily by Asset Type through its Asset Group Mapping document.
- On the System Administrator Menu, place the cursor over the Configuration button to open the dropdown menu.
- Select Asset Group Mappings.
- Use the ‘Type to filter’ boxes under the column headings to search for the appropriate ‘Asset Group Mapping’ document.
- Click on the purple link text to open the document.
- Adjust the desired fields.
- Click save.

Additional checks to those selected for the Asset Type can also be configured for a specific asset:
- Navigate to the Asset Group Mapping that governs the Asset Type that the specific asset belongs to.
- Scroll to the Single Asset Mapping Documents section at the bottom of the page.
- Click on Add new child document and select New Single Asset Mapping Document.
- Select the specific asset and configure any items besides those selected on the Asset Group Mapping.