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Fleet Meetup #24 (DEC 5th 2024) KeyWatcher integration with Formbird


On the day click here to access the meet up - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9268906727 We’re thrilled to invite you to the next Formbird FLEET Professionals Community Meet-Up this Thursday. We’ll explore the future of key management and asset integration. What’s on the agenda? Introduction by Mark or Adam: Why KeyWatcher integration matters – insights into customer demand [...]

Customisable and Standard Asset Reporting.


Topic: Calculating Asset Hire Rates Date: 3 October Time: 11:00 AM EST Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9268906727 Agenda: Customisable and Standard Asset Reporting: Learn How to Extract Vital Fleet Data In our next session, we’ll dive deep into the various ways you can access and extract data about your fleet. We will explore both the standard and [...]