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Formbird Web Service Connector

The Formbird Web Service Connector is a Java Library developed to make it easier to access the Formbird API from Java. It takes care of the login and authentication process as well as the HTTP/S requests to the Formbird API. It is available as a Java Library (fieldtec-webclient.jar) which can be added to the build path of your Java Project.


Add the Java Library "fieldtec-webclient.jar" to your project's build path, along with its dependencies as outlined below.


  • json-simple-1.1.1.jar
  • commons-lang3-3.3.2.jar
  • httpcore-4.3.2.jar
  • handlebars-1.3.2.jar
  • gson-2.2.4.jar
  • commons-logging-1.2.jar


Refer to the Class Documentation for details on the Java Classes.

Usage examples

Refer to the remaining pages in this section for code examples showing how to create, find, and update Formbird documents using the Java Library.