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Component Development API Guide

This is an ad hoc API dictionary for development of components.

Created May/June 2019 by pdexter.

Tokens used in Component HTML

Token Description
{{::fieldName}} Name of the field.
{{:fieldValue}} Value of the field.
{{::key}} --unknown--
{{}} Value of a configuration property from the template.


"scope" is an object that is available under the Load function and the Watch function ??

Property Type Description
controlWidth string CSS classnames defining the width of this field on the page, eg md2
doc object Document currently open
fieldName string Name of the field.
fieldValue undefined Value of the field.
readOnly boolean Whether the field is read only (not enabled).
tpl object Template of the document.
tplId string Document ID of the Template.
tplItem object Template configuration item corresponding to the field.
(may be derived from tpl.component[fieldName] )
urlBasePath string --unknown--


The document object is available in the Server Preprocessor Function.

It will reflect the current document object, eg including systemHeader, fields, etc.


The field object is available in the Server Preprocessor Function.

It reflects the field configuration as configured in the template.

Core Functions

The core makes a number of functions available to a component. This section lists some of them.


Provides Elastic Search functions


    var SearchServiceProvider = $injector.get('SearchServiceProvider');
    var searchService = SearchServiceProvider.getInstance();

SearchService contains the elastic search function.
To use the function:{

searchOptions is an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
filter object elastic search filter object
sourceFilter object Object containing the include property
sourceFilter.include array contains field names to be included in the elastic search result
from number start of elastic page.
pageSize boolean number of results to return.

searchService returns a javascript promise


Provides Notification function


var NotificationService = $injector.get('NotificationService');

To use the function:

NotificationService.printMessage(message, status);
Part Description
message text to display
status mode/state of the notification
values: 'error', 'info', 'success', "warning', 'forbidden'

If status is not passed, 'info' is used



var loggedInUser = LoggedInUserService.user

returns an object with the following properties:

Property Description
welcomeMsg Text displayed in the top right corner of the framework
account Logged in users account document
filteredAccount Logged in users account without the menu
menu Menu from the logged in users account document
publicAccount Whether the current user is logged in as public account
accountPublicURL URL of the public account
accountControlDocument Logged in users account control document



var ConfigService = $injector.get("ConfigService");
var clientConfig = ConfigService.clientConfig()

Returns the clientConfiguration object from the Configuration document

Using Angular Service Components

Angular service components can be referenced in the following way (example):

 var $timeout = $injector.get('$timeout');

Angular service components reference :