Grid With Date Filter
1 Purpose
This template example can be used for general lists or reports. It uses sc-datatables and the html panel components to create a reporting grid, along with a styling definition for the panel. This template contains a filter function that is controlled by a ruleset which are used to filter the template on one of the date fields.
2 Template Example
"components": [
"componentName": "sc-drop-down",
"name": "dateFilterDropDown",
"label": "Apply Date Filter",
"dropDownList": [
"Next 7 Days",
"No date"
"disableSave": true
"componentName": "sc-date-time",
"label": "Date Filter From",
"name": "dateFilterFrom",
"disableSave": true,
"enabled": false
"componentName": "sc-date-time",
"label": "Date Filter To",
"name": "dateFilterTo",
"disableSave": true,
"enabled": false
"componentName": "sc-datatables",
"fullWidth": true,
"filter": "{'query':{'bool':{'filter':[{'term':{'systemHeader.systemType':'document'}},{'term':{'appTags':'asset'}},{'match':{'userOrganisation':'{{{document.userOrganisation}}}'}}],'should':[{'match':{'assetInspectionStatus':'Completed'}}]}}}",
"gridColumns": [
"displayName": "Description",
"field": "assetDescription",
"width": 1,
"type": "url",
"filter": "textFilter",
"href": "form/{{{documentId}}}"
"displayName": "Asset ID",
"field": "assetId",
"width": 1,
"type": "url",
"href": "form/{{{documentId}}}"
"displayName": "Asset Class",
"field": "assetType",
"width": 1,
"type": "text",
"filter": "textFilter"
"displayName": "Status",
"field": "assetInspectionStatus",
"width": 1,
"type": "string"
"displayName": "Schedule Date",
"field": "scheduledInspectionDate",
"width": 2,
"type": "date",
"filter": "dateFilter",
"sort": {
"direction": "desc",
"precedence": 1
"label": "Completed On-site Inspection",
"listAllDocuments": false,
"name": "table",
"disableAutoDisplay": true,
"showReload": true,
"rowsPerPage": 50,
"columnSearch": true,
"disableSave": true,
"enableColumnMoving": true,
"enableColumnResizing": true,
"exportTypes": [
"hideCommandBar": true,
"appTags": [
3 Ruleset
The ruleset block assumes that the 'JayRule' include and MomentJS is available.
ruleDateFilter : {
ruleCondition : function(ntf) {
return ( ntf.context.fieldChanged === 'dateFilterDropDown' );
ruleAction : function(ntf) {
var ft3 = ntf.scope;
let endDate = '';
let startDate = '';
let eqry = {'query':{'bool':{'filter':[{'term':{'systemHeader.systemType':'document'}},{'term':{'appTags':'asset'}},{'term':{'assetInspectionStatus':'Completed'}} ]}}};
ft3.enableField('dateFilterFrom', false);
ft3.enableField('dateFilterTo', false);
// test dropdown
if (ntf.document.dateFilterDropDown === "Today") {
startDate = ft3.moment().startOf("day");
endDate = ft3.moment().endOf("day");
ntf.document.dateFilterFrom = startDate;
ntf.document.dateFilterTo = endDate;
else if (ntf.document.dateFilterDropDown === "Next 7 Days"){
startDate = ft3.moment().startOf("day");
endDate = ft3.moment().startOf('day').add(1,'weeks');
ntf.document.dateFilterFrom = startDate;
ntf.document.dateFilterTo = endDate;
else if (ntf.document.dateFilterDropDown ==="No date" || ntf.document.dateFilterDropDown ==="" ){
delete ntf.document.dateFilterFrom;
delete ntf.document.dateFilterTo;
// modify filter for date range
if(startDate && endDate){
eqry.query.bool.filter.push({'range':{'scheduledInspectionDate':{'gte':startDate,'lte':endDate }}});
// set filter