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Appendix C: mapParameters Field

This appendix provides a detailed description of the "mapParameters" field, one of the fields used to define each of the Formbird components below:

1 Purpose

The "mapParameters" field is a set of name/value fields that define the properties of a map, including:

  • The co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) at which to initially centre the map.
  • One or more map views e.g. satellite view, street map view.
  • The minimum and maximum map resolution.
  • The initial zoom level.

2 Definition

The table below lists and describes the name/value pair fields used to define the properties of a map.


  1. Default values for the fields described in the table below are shown in bold text.
  2. Apart from the "mapViews" field, the fields in the table below use a single name/value pair to define a property of the mapParameter field e.g. "defaultZoom": 15.

    Whereas the "mapViews" field requires a set of name/value pair fields to define it as a property of the mapParameter field. The table below provide a summary description of the "mapViews" field and a link to an Appendix that has the detailed description. The link to this appendix is also shown below.

2.1 Optional Customizable Fields

Field Valid Values Description
defaultLat Valid latitude The latitude, written as a decimal, at which to initially centre the map field.
Valid latitude values range from 0 to (+/–)90.

"defaultLat": -37.9563
-37.8 Default value.
defaultLon Valid longitude The longitude, written as a decimal, at which to initially centre the map field.
Valid longitude values range from 0 to (+/–)180.

"defaultLon": 145.0407
144.9 Default value.
defaultZoom Integer The level at which to initially zoom the map field.

"defaultZoom": 15
10 Default value.
mapViews Array of map view definitions An array of map view definitions, each defining the properties of a map view.
Each map view definition is a set of name/value pair fields, some being required, some being optional.
See Appendix D: mapViews Field for a list and description of the name/value pair fields used to define a map view.
maxResolution Decimal number The maximum resolution at which the map will be visible.

"maxResolution": 2116.670900008467
? Default value.
minResolution Decimal number The minimum resolution at which the map will be visible.

"minResolution": 0.0116670900008467
? Default value.

3 Example

"MapParameters" field definition with:

  • Default latitude and longitude values.
  • Maximum and minimum resolution values.
  • Initial zoom level.
  • A "mapViews" array containing 3 individual map view definitions and 1 group map view definition.
    (Appendix D: mapViews Field has a detailed description of the fields used to define these map views).
    "mapParameters": {
        "defaultLat": -37.8,
        "defaultLon": 144.9,
        "defaultZoom": 12,
        "maxResolution": 2116.670900008467,
        "minResolution": 0.0116670900008467,
        "mapViews": [
                "EPSG": "EPSG:3857",
                "isShow": true,
                "params": {
                    "BBOX": "16133701.716224,-4393099.8016821,16446787.78408,-4080013.733826",
                    "FIRSTTILE": true,
                    "FORMAT": "image/png",
                    "HEIGHT": "512",
                    "LAYERS": "CARTO_WM",
                    "REQUEST": "GetMap",
                    "SERVICE": "WMS",
                    "SRS": "EPSG:3857",
                    "STYLES": "",
                    "VERSION": "1.1.1",
                    "WIDTH": "512"
                "serverType": "geoserver",
                "uiLabel": "V",
                "url": ""
                "EPSG": "EPSG:3857",
                "params": {
                    "BBOX": "16280475.531304,-4696291.0150527,16593561.59916,-4383204.9471967",
                    "FIRSTTILE": true,
                    "FORMAT": "image/png",
                    "HEIGHT": "512",
                    "LAYERS": "AERIAL_WM",
                    "REQUEST": "GetMap",
                    "SERVICE": "WMS",
                    "SRS": "EPSG:3857",
                    "STYLES": "",
                    "VERSION": "1.1.1",
                    "WIDTH": "512"
                "serverType": "geoserver",
                "url": "",
                "uiLabel": "S"
                "crossOrigin": null,
                "serverType": "tile",
                "uiLabel": "O",
                "url": "{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
                "groupView": [
                        "EPSG": "EPSG:3857",
                        "params": {
                            "BBOX": "16280475.531304,-4696291.0150527,16593561.59916,-4383204.9471967",
                            "FIRSTTILE": true,
                            "FORMAT": "image/png",
                            "HEIGHT": "512",
                            "LAYERS": "AERIAL_WM",
                            "REQUEST": "GetMap",
                            "SERVICE": "WMS",
                            "SRS": "EPSG:3857",
                            "STYLES": "",
                            "VERSION": "1.1.1",
                            "WIDTH": "512"
                        "serverType": "geoserver",
                        "url": ""
                        "EPSG": "EPSG:3857",
                        "params": {
                            "BBOX": "16446787.78408,-4393099.8016821,16759873.851936,-4080013.733826",
                            "FIRSTTILE": true,
                            "FORMAT": "image/png",
                            "HEIGHT": "512",
                            "LAYERS": "CARTO_OVERLAY_WM",
                            "REQUEST": "GetMap",
                            "SERVICE": "WMS",
                            "SRS": "EPSG:3857",
                            "STYLES": "",
                            "VERSION": "1.1.1",
                            "WIDTH": "512"
                        "serverType": "geoserver",
                        "url": ""
                "uiLabel": "M"