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Other Application Settings

This section describes other less used options:

  • To disable the versioning system for a template, set "disableVersioning":true at the root of the template
  • To hide the framework when navigating to a document, set 'formNoNavBar' in the URL eg:
  • To hide the Command Bar in the framework set 'hideCommandBar':true at the root of the template. Use this for templates which are 'view only' ie. No changes can be made. Note if the command bar is hidden and the document is changed, the user will not be able to save the changes
  • To hide individual buttons in the Command Bar:
   "formNavBar": {
        "hideCameraButton": true,
        "hideCreateButton": true,
        "hidePrintButton": true
  • To change the style of the Command Bar:
  "commandBarCSS": {
        "background": "#4285F4"
  • Set the color of the background
  • Set an image as the background
    "backgroundImage": //path to image
  • To include / exclude a template or a document from a global search.

    The Formbird framework includes a "global search" field which returns those templates and documents which:

    1. Contain data matching the search criteria entered into the "global search" field AND
    2. Have a "systemHeader.excludeGeneralSearch" field set as false.

    Whereas those templates and documents which have a "systemHeader.excludeGeneralSearch" field set as true will be excluded from a global search, regardless of having data matching the search criteria entered into the "global search" field.

    The "excludeGeneralSearch" field can also be defined at the root level of a template. As described below, this will set the "systemHeader.excludeGeneralSearch" field value of documents saved with that template.

    If the root level of a template is defined:

    • With "excludeGeneralSearch": true, then documents saved with that template will be saved with a "systemHeader.excludeGeneralSearch" field set as true. Hence, those documents will be excluded from a global search.

    • With "excludeGeneralSearch": false (default value), then documents saved with that template will be saved without a "systemHeader.excludeGeneralSearch" field. Hence, by default, those documents will be included in a global search.

    • Without a "excludeGeneralSearch" field, then documents saved with that template will be saved without a "systemHeader.excludeGeneralSearch" field. Hence, by default, those documents will be included in a global search.


      For the template definition below:

      1. The template will be included in a global search.
      2. Documents saved with this template will be excluded from a global search.
    "formColor": "#ededed",
    "name": "Acceptance Test",
    "description": "excludeGeneralSearch: Test Template",
    "summaryNameRule": "excludeGeneralSearch: Test Result {{systemHeader.serverCreatedDate}}",
    "summaryDescriptionRule": "excludeGeneralSearch: Test Result",
    "systemHeader": {
        "systemType": "template",
        "templateId": "54d96f610bc006eb84369a8b",
        "summaryName": "excludeGeneralSearch: Test Template",
        "summaryDescription": "excludeGeneralSearch: Test Template",
        "createdWith": "74746c80-8378-11e6-99b1-71ee944cf59f",
        "keyIds": [],
        "versionId": "9b0bda10-20c7-11ee-9e41-d584ce1410c8",
        "excludeGeneralSearch": false,
        "currentVersion": true,
        "createdDate": "2023-07-12T15:20:16.689Z",
        "createdBy": "b7c1e1b0-2b9f-11e6-ac9c-170c531a5a0c",
        "transactionId": null,
        "documentCreatedDate": "2023-07-12T13:30:02.308Z",
        "documentCreatedBy": "b7c1e1b0-2b9f-11e6-ac9c-170c531a5a0c",
        "serverUpdatedDate": "2023-07-12T15:20:16.802Z",
        "serverCreatedDate": "2023-07-12T15:20:16.802Z",
        "previousVersionId": "20accb80-20c7-11ee-9fb4-23aaaabccb53"
    "appTags": [
    "components": [
            "componentName": "sc-static-value",
            "value": [
            "name": "appTags"
            "componentName": "sc-drop-down",
            "label": "Issue Severity",
            "name": "issueSeverity",
            "dropDownList": [
            "componentName": "sc-static-html",
            "html": "<br/>",
            "fullWidth": true
            "componentName": "sc-approve",
            "name": "approveIssue",
            "keyIds": [
            "label": "Reviewed and Approved",
            "approveMessage": "Reviewed and Approved by:",
            "mandatory": true
    "vendorLibrariesRel": [
            "documentId": "ada3730c-90fd-4b06-a42d-792b85dfb93f",
            "name": "jquery",
            "fileName": ""
    "documentId": "b06cac00-20b7-11ee-b3a2-015e096a8220",
    "excludeGeneralSearch": true