Cardinia Shire Council is planning for future growth and urgently needs to upgrade its outdated fleet management solution for its 75 significant fleet assets.
Cardinia Shire, located to the east of Melbourne, is one of the fastest-growing regions in Australia. There are currently over 112,000 residents. By 2041 this could grow to 200,000 people.

In recognition of the rapid growth of Cardinia, the Victorian shire is even a member of an exclusive club called the “National Growth Areas Alliance.” Not so much a secret society but a peak body for local governments in Australia’s outer urban growth areas that advocates for the local government area with state and federal governments on growth area challenges and opportunities.
Cardinia has become so popular with new residents the local government area has a population growth rate double the national average.
The Cardinia Shire Council plan for the area’s future liveability must include spending ratepayers funds wisely. Targeted for savings is better management of the council’s fleet assets. To achieve this, the shire council has implemented a new fleet management approach using Formbird FLEET.
Formbird FLEET is a modern fleet management app developed on Formbird’s low-code platform. Formbird FLEET distinguishes itself from the other solutions on the market through its adaptability. According to the marketing literature, the configuration of FLEET can match the existing business processes, which means that Cardinia Shire Council won’t have to squeeze their operations into the confines of how someone else thinks they should run their business.
Fleet management apps give organisations a window into the status of their fleet assets, whether it be tracking a garbage truck’s location or notifying the mechanic when the next service is due.
The new fleet management app will help Cardinia Shire maintain its fleet to a higher standard, extending the life of its assets with preventative maintenance schedules. And protecting the council’s team with daily driver safety checks. As well as saving the ratepayers money by spending less on their fleet.
Mark Hosking Formbird CEO remarked, “Formbird FLEET is all about giving organisations complete visibility of their fleet assets…. everybody in the team from the mechanics to the administrator can access the information they need from a single source of truth.”
Hosking continued, “We’ve saved organisations thousands of dollars by automating their preventative maintenance schedules …. documenting every service event and recording a comprehensive condition history. FLEET users minimise their vehicle’s total cost of ownership.”
Cardinia Shire Council plans to be up and running in the next month; we look forward to seeing how they progress and achieve their goal of a better-managed fleet.